This blog post is part V in a series of posts discussing why community associations cannot afford to ignore lender foreclosure actions. Part I explained that associations have the statutory power to expedite the foreclosure process when lenders are delaying and illustrated that by implementing a consistent policy for appearing in lender foreclosure actions and expediting the legal proceedings, associations can save tens of thousands of dollars over the years. Part II addressed the unclaimed revenue in the form of foreclosure sale proceeds that associations fail to capitalize on when not appearing in lender foreclosure actions. Part III demonstrated that appearing in lender foreclosure actions allows associations to better determine if the foreclosing entity is entitled to Safe Harbor protection or not, and Part IV discussed ensuring the lender immediately begins paying assessments after taking title, including when it is worth pursuing the prior homeowner for the remaining unpaid assessment balance. This fifth and final post in the series explains when an association should initiate its own foreclosure action depending upon the status of the lender’s action.