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August 2012 Firm Newsletter

August 30, 2012 Newsletters

Featured in the August 2012 Issue Partner’s Perspective J&C Shareholders Appointed to Leadership of JBA Construction Law Committee J&C Continues “Lunch and Learn” Program for its Attorneys and Staff New Law Blogs Curiosities, Ruminations and Various Eccentricities of Firm Biz Click to read.

May 2012 Firm Newsletter

May 30, 2012 Newsletters

Featured in the May 2012 Issue Partner’s Perspective J&C Shareholder Named to Florida Construction Industry Licensing Board J&C Shareholder Named President of the First Coast Chapter of the Risk Management Association New Law Blogs Curiosities, Ruminations and Various Eccentricities of Firm Biz Click to read.

May 2012

May 11, 2012 In The News

In a May 11th article in the Jacksonville Business Journal, Charles Jimerson was asked for his opinion regarding a Walmart slip-and-fall case that was thrown out when the plaintiff was found to have committed fraud in the pre-discovery phase of the trial.

April 2012

April 27, 2012 In The News

In an April 27th article in the Jacksonville Business Journal, Charles Jimerson was quoted regarding a Downtown riverfront condo project that abruptly stopped construction because of the down real estate market.

March 2012 Firm Newsletter

March 30, 2012 Newsletters

Featured in the March 2012 Issue Partner’s Perspective J&C Managing Attorney Achieves Prestigious Peer Rating Support Upcoming Junior Achievement Lawyers’ Bowl-A-Thon New Law Blogs Curiosities, Ruminations and Various Eccentricities of Firm Biz Click to read.

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Charles B. Jimerson
Managing Partner

Jimerson Birr welcomes inquiries from the media and do our best to respond to deadlines. If you are interested in speaking to a Jimerson Birr lawyer or want general information about the firm, our practice areas, lawyers, publications, or events, please contact us via email or telephone for assistance at (904) 389-0050.

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Jimerson Birr